In the event you are hurt or sick and unable to work, where will you obtain funds for your monthly lifestyle needs? Are you self employed, or have no group insurance in place? Consider Disability insurance to help cover your income in the event you are unable to perform the important duties of your job due to injury or illness.
Are you self employed?As a self employed individual you are your biggest asset. Being able to work allows you to earn an unlimited earnings potential as a business owner but this income is often left unprotected. Do you have proper disability income protection?
Why Individual coverage?Individual Disability insurance means coverage that travels with you as you change your career. Your disability coverage once in place can follow you and provide monthly income coverage in the event you are hurt or sick and unable to work.
How much income will I get?Disability insurance coverage should cover approximately 75%
of your after tax earnings For Example: 40 year old earning $60,000/year would be covered about $3475/month (that's $41,700/year) in the event you could not work due to an injury or illness |